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Listen and Learn from Paralympian Tennis Player and Diversity Expert Karin Korb

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Join us at Sport Fuels Life as we learn more about the amazing life of Karin Korb. Listen as she describes her journey from gymnast and aerobics instructor to a world class Paralympian and 10-time member of the USA World Team. In addition, learn from her life-changing insights and her advocacy for diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

At the age of 17, Karin suffered a vaulting injury that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Ten years later she found herself searching for a new outlet to fulfill her cardiovascular and competitive needs. A friend introduced her to tennis and her world was instantly changed. 

Karin became the first person with a disability to receive a Division 1 athletic scholarship to Georgia State University. She is a two-time Paralympian, 10-time member of the USA World Team, first person with a disability to play at the US Open, and the only athlete with a disability inducted into the Georgia Tennis Hall of Fame. She was awarded the 2018 Athletics in Excellence Award, was the first person with a disability to win the NPC bodybuilding competition, and she successfully completed Alaska’s Sadler Ultra Challenge, the most demanding handcycle race in the world. 

While her athletic accomplishments are remarkable, she is proudest of what she has accomplished elsewhere. Karin is the former Policy and Public Affairs Coordinator at Lakeshore Foundation Olympic and Paralympic Training Site and is a consultant for diversity, equity, and inclusion. She describes herself as a public face for underserved populations that are often invisible. 

Join us in an inspirational, thought-provoking podcast as we get to know Karin Korb, the woman, athlete, and influencer. 

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