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New Feature:  Choice of Athletic Audio Clips or Full Podcast

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New Feature:  Choice of Athletic Audio Clips or Full Podcast>

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We know you’re busy.  We will periodically be offering short audio clips of some of our (and your) favorite SFL features so you can have a little inspiration, or a lot.  Enjoy!

1. Joy Can Create Deeper Focus and Lead to Better Performance

Mental Skills Coordinator for the Diamond Razorbacks Zach Brandon discusses how more joy can create deeper focus and lead to better performance. He shares key mental building blocks as part of this process. Learn what his three factors are to help athletes achieve optimal performance.

2.  Evaluating Ability to Go to the Highest Level

Elite tennis coach Craig Boynton has a five-category evaluation model that includes strengths, weaknesses, self-confidence, self-drive, problem solving, strategy, and more. Boynton says a player with resilience has a prominent mental “delete button” and the ability to stay focused despite outside variables.

3.  Everybody has a mountain to climb

Sean Swarner redefines the art of the possible. He is the only person ever to climb the highest mountain on every continent, trek to the South & North Poles, and complete the Hawaii Ironman—all with one lung. His life perspective is guaranteed to inspire.

4.  Success Leaves Clues
One of the most accomplished middle distance runners in USA track and field history, Olympian Khadevis Robinson believes we all want “to go for the gold” in our lives. He says successful people have certain clues that increase chances of success. Learn what they are and how to use them.

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