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The Beauty of Community with Angela Strickland

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When 7 year old Andrew Dean Strickland was recently diagnosed with leukemia, his family had no idea what a blessing their sports-loving family would receive from their supportive community. 

#DeanStrong is now a movement in a community that has mobilized to encourage and uplift the Strickland family during these next three years as they embark on the journey of childhood cancer treatments for Andrew. 

Andrew’s older brother, Chuck, just joined the USC team as a freshman walk-on offensive lineman, after completing a spectacular high school career at Byrnes High School in Spartanburg, South Carolina (with Coach Mike Srock). Just four days after Andrew’s leukemia diagnosis, the football team sent Andrew a signed football to let him know they’re all behind him in his fight. 

Today we welcome Andrew’s mother, Angela, to the show to discuss #DeanStrong and the phenomenal outpouring of love from their community, as well as the limited time promotional t-shirt fundraiser through Team Connection to help the Strickland family raise money for this difficult time. 100% of the proceeds from the shirt sales will be donated directly to the Strickland family. Click here to shop the #DeanStrong fundraiser now

You can follow along with Dean’s journey on his #DeanStrong Facebook page.

Listen to this podcast mini episode to learn more about Andrew’s diagnosis and amazing family!

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