One of the most accomplished middle distance runners in USA track and field history, Olympian Khadevis Robinson believes we all want “to go for the gold” in our lives. He discusses how a change in mindset and a more balanced life creates amazing moments. Be ready to be inspired with his contagious energy and positivity.
• Two-Time Olympian
• Ohio State University Head Cross Country Coach
• Fitness Expert & Inspiring Speaker
“Success Leaves Clues”
If you watch, study or hang around successful people you will start to see certain success clues. If one’s able to recognize these clues, they will increase their chance of success in any and every field of achievement.
“Major Things Happen in Minor Moments”
Most people prepare themselves for Major events and Major moments such as weddings, graduations, birthdays and vacations. But if you prepare mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, you can create something Amazing at any Moment.

To learn more about Khadevis, you can visit his website at
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