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The 5 Stages of Successful Coaching

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ATP tennis coach Craig Boynton joins us in this episode of the Sport Fuels Life podcast, where he shares his coaching strategy for player evaluation as well as his top 5 tips for becoming a successful coach and mentor to your players.

Image via Matthew Stockman/Getty Images

Craig shares his perspective on how the answers to these important questions can aid coaches when evaluating their player or team’s performance: 

Are your athletes exhibiting confidence? 

Are they self-driven? 

Are they resilient, problem-solvers? 

What is their foundational upbringing–where are they coming from?

He also deep dives into his 5 stages of coaching:

  1. Build Trust
  2. Develop Structure
  3. Accountability: Coach to player
  4. Accountability: Player to self
  5. Management

Take a listen to this insightful episode packed full of wisdom and inspiration below!

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